Click on the green button above to create an account with Luna Yoga in Punchpass, our booking system.
Once your account is created click on 'Purchase a Pass' to buy, for instance six passes/classes to attended in six weeks.
With your pass in hand, you can then easily book your preferred class by accessing the Calendar or Schedule.
If you have any questions please
phone: 0409489006 Viv.
The classes at Luna Yoga run in blocks/courses.
Our next six-week block commences from Saturday 17-August to Thursday 26-September.
We encourage you to commit to six (or more) classes with in this specific six-week timeframe. Attending one class per week is ideal, however we understand life happens, so if you miss your usual class, you have the option to make it up at another available class time.
Our courses are designed in a progressive manner, meaning that what you learn from one week carries over to the next. This gives you the best chance to develop and enjoy your yoga practice creating coherence and depth in your understanding.
For newcomers to yoga, particularly Iyengar Yoga, starting at the beginning of a six week block introduces you to the fundamentals. Each week, you and your fellow classmates build upon the teachings from the previous week, creating a supportive and cohesive group. This opproach enhabces your transformational experience.
If you are already an Iyengar Yoga practitioner, you may join at any time within a six-week block and arrange payment on a prorated basis via email with Viv